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Turbo51 Objects

Created on 30 July 2011. Posted in Documentation

Pascal Compiler for 8051 Microcontrollers Objects are data structures that merge pascal records and procedures called methods, i.e. data and code together. In order to use objects in Turbo51 you need ...

Turbo51 Files

Created on 30 July 2011. Posted in Documentation

... a simple example of calculator using files: Compiled code looks like this: With the Assign statement you assign ReadFromSerialPort and WriteToSerialPort procedures to the File variable SerialPort. ...

Turbo51 System Unit

Created on 30 July 2011. Posted in Documentation

Pascal Compiler for 8051 Microcontrollers System unit implements Turbo51 runtime library and defines some special function registers (SFR), bits and interrupt addresses that are present in all microcontrollers ...

Turbo51 Memory Organization

Created on 30 July 2011. Posted in Documentation

Pascal Compiler for 8051 microcontrollers CODE memory By default the maximum code size is $10000 bytes (64 KB). This can be changed in the main program with the $M directive. IDATA memory By ...

Compiler Switches And Directives

Created on 30 July 2011. Posted in Documentation

... variables can start below $80 (as indirectly addressed DATA variables) InlineCode On If set to Off compiler generates normal call to inline procedure NoReturn Inside assembler procedure ...

Turbo51 Command Line Syntax

Created on 30 July 2011. Posted in Documentation


About Turbo51

Created on 26 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

... will have the same syntax and will generate high quality optimized code. The first step was to create a compiler compatible with Turbo Pascal 7. This compiler was then modified to generate code for 8051 ...

Pascal Programming Language

Created on 26 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

... The name Borland Pascal was generally reserved for the high end packages (with more libraries and standard library source code) while the original cheap and widely known version was sold as Turbo Pascal. ...

8051 Projects and Tools

Created on 26 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

Popular Microcontroller Resources 8051 Opcodes Here you have a table of all 8051 instructions with opcodes, size in bytes, mnemonic and operands. 8051 Instruction Set Here you have a detailed ...

License Agreement

Created on 26 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

Turbo51 is released as freeware END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR FREEWARE Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation and software included in the Turbo51 package is copyrighted by Igor ...

Turbo51 Documentation

Created on 25 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

Free Pascal compiler for 8051 Here you can find documentation on Turbo51 syntax, compiler switches and directives, features, internals and other useful information. Take a look also at some code examples ...

Turbo51 FAQ

Created on 25 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

... fun. Is source code of Turbo51 available? No. I have no plans to release it. However, if you are interested in compiler design, I am selling a Turbo Pascal compiler written in Turbo Pascal source code. ...

Turbo51 IDE

Created on 25 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

Pascal Compiler for 8051 Microcontrollers Turbo51 is only a command-line compiler. There is no IDE or editor. To write your code you can use any IDE or editor of your choice. In addition to the proposals ...

Development of Turbo51

Created on 25 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

...  Code size known at compile time planned 6 Compiler directive $REGION DONE in 5 Code banking support planned 4 Generated assembler source compatible with some real ...

Compiler Design

Created on 25 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

... in order to properly design symbol tables, scanner, parser, internal data representation, intermediate code structure, optimization passes, and other compiler building blocks. There are many excellent ...

Turbo51 Code Examples

Created on 24 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

Examine 8051 projects and learn the tricks Here are some test projects suitable for any 8051 microcontroller to show how to use Turbo51. They can also be used to quickly see the generated code. The assembler ...

Turbo51 - Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers

Created on 22 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

... Pascal 7 syntax Full floating point support Mixed Pascal and assembler code Full use of register banks Advanced multi-pass optimizer Smart linker Generates compact high quality code Output ...

Turbo Pascal Download

Created on 22 July 2011. Posted in Uncategorised

... it was a revolutionary product. In one package you got integrated development environment where you coud edit, run and debug software, the compiler was fast and generated compact executable code. Borland ...
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